DEFINITION: The precautionary measures taken toward possible danger or damage. TYPES OF SECURITY MEASURES: 1. DATA BACKUP 2. CRYPTOGRAPHY Technology of encoding information so it can only be read by authorized individuals 3.ANTIVIRUS • Anti-virus software is a program or set of programs that are designed to prevent, search for, detect and remove software viruses and other malicious software like worms, Trojan horses, adware and more. •If and when a virus is detected , the computer displays a warning asking what action should be done , often giving the options to remove, ignore, or move the file to the vault. •If a virus infected a computer without an antivirus program , it may delete files, prevent access to files, send spam, spy on you, or perform other malicious actions . • Examples : Norton anti-virus, AVG anti-virus, Kaspersky anti-virus •There are several different companies that build and offer anti-virus software and what...